Guida alla coltivazione Outdoor Consigli generali -

Outdoor cultivation guide General advice

To start:

Before starting any cultivation you need to make some choices,

which will correspond to benefits and drawbacks. In this article,

we will give you the advice and support you need, summarizing the questions

main questions to ask yourself when planning your cultivation.

Organize a list:

With proper planning outdoor growing can be a lot


You could start by buying and arranging the materials

necessary before the time comes to start.

It would be appropriate to ask yourself the following questions:

What plants do I want to grow?

You will need specific seeds , which you can buy or order online HERE

Do I want to grow in pots or directly in the ground? Both methods have

their pros and cons; furthermore, each of the two methods requires purchase

of different materials. When growing with seeds, you will have to germinate them in the grow box

germination or in a germination greenhouse. When will

Once the seedling has grown, you will have to repot it into a larger pot until it grows

they will be ready to go outside.

Where to put the plant? If you grow directly in the ground, it's a choice

essential because you will have no way to move it later. Not with vases

you will have this dilemma, but these will limit the maximum growth of your

plant. Basically, you will have to find a sunny space, where you can belay

moisture to the soil. If you grow in pots, you will need to keep them out of the wind for

a certain period. At the end of the flowering phase, however, the wind is an ally.

This is because it helps prevent mold from forming on the fruit.

What does outdoor growing look like?

Once you have made the necessary choices and purchased the first products, you will have to wait

the right time to start. What are the cultivation phases? The life of one

plant has different phases, each of which requires nutrition and precautions


Germination. Plant the seeds to germinate in the germination box or

in mini greenhouses. You can do this from the end of February to mid-May. After

germination you can repot the seedlings into small pots.

Growth phase. During this phase, the plant will develop the most

of its green parts. In outdoor cultivation, the growth phase usually

lasts longer than in indoor cultivation. From April onwards there will be enough

hours of light in a day to put the plants out. However it could do

still too cold, a problem not to be underestimated. Once passed

mid-May, night temperatures will no longer reach the point

of freezing. This is a good time to put plants out.

It is advisable to carry out this operation immediately or you have to wait


It depends on the flowering period of your plant variety. Plants

with a short flowering phase they can stay inside a little longer, while the

plants with a longer flowering period can go out right away.

Flowering phase. The plant will begin to flower approximately in July

and August, depending on the species of plant and the length of the flowering phase of your

variety. Once flowering begins, flowers and fruit will also grow. Always

based on the length of the flowering period, you will get your harvest between the end of

August and around the end of October although with very long flowering varieties (especially some Hazes) it can reach late November.

When is the best time to start?

You might think it's best to start in late winter, with the return of

Sun; however, this way you would lose some of your most precious months.

You can benefit by starting your plants to germinate in February.

Furthermore, in this period you can already start preparing the soil

outdoor if you intend to grow directly in the ground.


You can place the seeds in a tray with soil, but make sure you use suitable potting soil

seedlings and cuttings..

Alternatively, you could germinate on coco peat, like those

in the Plagron Seedbox . Within 10 days you will have the seedlings. The soil of a

Uncovered seed tray dries out quickly. A germination box with

Plastic cover is a great solution that will help maintain the potting soil

humid. Plants will need more space after a certain period of time

time. Repot them in small pots to be placed in sunny areas inside a

heated environment, for example a window facing south.

Preparation of the soil.

Even if you grow outdoors, you can benefit from preparations as early as February.

If you are thinking of growing directly in the ground, it would be worth trying

to improve the land. Professional growers recommend crumbling

the soil and mix it with manure, fertilizer and even earthworms. These

products provide nutrients to the soil and improve the structure of the soil,

allowing the plant to have more space to expand its roots

and improve the water retention, drainage and aeration capacity of the soil.

Some species of worms produce their own “humus,” which has effects

benefits on the life of the plant. You can secure these benefits by using

Earthworm humus in your garden. You will only have to crumble the soil and

mix it.

Get ready to go out.

Once mid-May arrives, when your “seedlings” will be

become young plants during the growth phase, it will be time to

take them outside.

All information contained is for informational and educational purposes only. We urge all users not to make any practical use of this information in connection with cannabis seeds. In fact, let us remember that:

In Italy the cultivation of cannabis seeds is prohibited (Art. 28 and 73 of Presidential Decree 309/90) if you do not have a specific authorization (Art. 17 Presidential Decree 309/90)

Therefore, cannabis seeds may be used exclusively for collecting purposes and for genetic preservation and are marketed with the reservation that they are not used by third parties in conflict with the law. Cannabis seeds are excluded from Presidential Decree 309/90, which means that they are not to be considered narcotic substances (L. 412 of 1974, Art. 1, Paragraph 1, Letter B; New York single convention on narcotics of 1961 and table 1 Ministry of Health decree 11 April 2006).

ColtivazioneColtivazione outdoor