Carenza ed eccesso di Fosforo (P), come identificarli sintomi e metodi di intervento -


Lack of Phosphorus:

The lack of phosphorus causes plants to slow down in growth. The leaves are visibly smaller than normal, are purple and often have spots. The veins of the plant as well as the leaves and stems turn reddish starting from the outside towards the inside. Older leaves curl, curving the edges and become darker.

When the deficiency is very advanced the leaves have large purple spots which will become yellowish-orange as they dry and fall.

This type of deficiency is typical of substrates rich in clay and with PH below 6.5/5.5% (acid) or more often with basic PH parameters (over 7%). when the PH is lower than 5.8 with excess zinc and iron it is impossible for the plant to absorb phosphates.

Indicator elements:

Young leaves, veins and stems turn red, then shrivel and fall.

Large purple spots and bluish leaves

Slowing of growth

Care: Use fertilizers with a strong dose of Phosphorus (P) such as PK 13-14 or specific fertilizers for flowering .

Excess Phosphorus:

Greater sensitivity to the onset of mold and diseases. Apical part of the plant with abnormal growth.
