Cannabis  il mercato del futuro per gli investitori -

Cannabis the market of the future for investors

Starting from 14 January 2017, thanks to the controversial law 242 for the promotion of the supply chain, the cultivation of some species has been legalised... more or less so you will read in many newspaper articles, blog posts and social media. The truth is much more complex and in this case we do not go into the merits, but only give references regarding numbers and investments that seem to attract many on the market.

The global hemp market stood at almost three billion dollars in 2020 and, according to recent estimates, will grow by over 21% per year until 2018. The American company Grand View Research considered, for this study, all the various uses of the plant. This is also the answer to why light cannabis is the market of the future for those who want to invest in cultivation.

The innumerable qualities of the plant are the reasons why the interest of markets and multinationals are moving in this direction, in order to exploit a resource that on the contrary should be a free and easy to find source.

A few numbers

The soil to choose for growing hemp, which should be sown in spring between March and April, should be fertile, alluvial, without stagnation, not necessarily on the plain. Hemp, in fact, is a plant that is very resistant to frost and can even be grown above a thousand metres. It takes approximately 50 kilos of seeds for each hectare of land . However, it must be said that hemp is a weed and usually very resistant plant so even if the conditions are not ideal the chances of a good result are always excellent.

To understand why cannabis is the market of the future for those who want to invest in cultivation, all you need to do is do some calculations. Compared to an expense per hectare of approximately 900 euros , between seeds and maintenance, the estimated revenues are approximately 1,500 euros per hectare for the sale of fibers , while approximately 1.50 euros per kilo for seeds . Doing a couple of calculations, that's around a thousand euros in revenue per hectare .

From this market we exclude inflorescences which certainly have an important value but which in terms of use (even where we are in a clearly regulated situation) still constitute a market niche at the moment and which could constitute a real business element only if considered in relation to tobacco as a substitute .

So be careful, what might seem like a glimmer of light on the horizon is just the umpteenth choice made for us by those who manage resources and the future in an "organized" global world
