Quanto durano i semi? Consigli e indicazioni per germinazione di semi vecchi 10 anni - doisgrowshop.it

How to germinate very old seeds?

Let the seeds germinate even when they are very old

If well preserved, cannabis seeds can last more than 10 years without any problem, germinating them may be a little more difficult, but this does not mean that the seed is no longer viable.

Below we will give you some tips and advice to increase the chances of germination when the seeds have been stored for many years.

The conservation of cannabis seeds is usual for all growers, in particular breeders are very jealous of their exclusive seeds and even keep them for more than 10 years.

However, as time passes, the seed loses a part of its vital force and therefore the power to germinate immediately and forcefully. To ensure that time does not change the final result and that generations from many years ago are lost, we give you some very useful and important indications.


Seed conservation is a fundamental element in maintaining its ability to germinate. The storage place must be cool and dry. An excellent method is to store them in the refrigerator with a temperature between 6° and 8° and low humidity, it is also important that they receive as little light as possible.

These basic recommendations can be implemented by using airtight containers in addition to those that contain packaged seeds for example, furthermore it is possible to insert hygroscopic salts or anything else that can ensure that the humidity does not rise too much.


Hydration is a very important element, seeds that have been stored for 1-2 years have no difficulty germinating. When the period increases and in a directly proportional way, germination becomes more difficult. In fact, the seeds become harder so water will have more obstacles to penetrate the shell.

The first useful indication is therefore to put the seeds in a glass full of water at room temperature (about 22°), adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, for about 24 hours. The hydrogen peroxide will help the water penetrate the seed shell. As always, it is essential to keep everything away from light sources.

When doing this operation it is necessary to monitor the seeds because when they start to germinate they will have to be immediately removed and moved so as not to drown them.

After 24 hours you can move the seeds onto a sheet of wet paper to continue the process.

The seeds may take a period of time ranging from the usual 48/72 hours up to 5/6 days and in some cases even weeks.

For purists who do not give up germination in soil, in addition to using the right soil, very light and with all the necessary parameters, it is important to water with the addition of Fulvic Acid , about ten ml for each liter of water .

Among the methods there is also the one with the use of bicarbonate, the carbon dioxide contained will help the liquids to penetrate the seed allowing its germination.

In addition to the methods mentioned above, today there are some products in circulation that guarantee excellent performance for germination: SeedBooster , often sold in combination with a germination greenhouse and Jiffy disks.

Shock therapy:

If all attempts have been unsuccessful, all is not lost.

There are other possibilities, although more aggressive, when after a few days the seeds have not yet opened.

Lightly rub sandpaper on the shell of the seed, creating light abrasions which will favor the permeability of the shell.

To do this operation, given the delicacy of the process, you should close the sandpaper/abrasive paper towards the inside and make a sort of box in which to introduce the seeds and then shake for a few minutes.

If you want to take greater risks, there is yet another method: using a knife, lightly cut the seeds transversely so as to allow the liquids to penetrate through the shell.

If we have managed to germinate our seeds, let's give them more attention and care for the first week, after which your genetics, many years later, will be perfect as if they had been preserved for a few days.

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