Cos'è la pulizia delle radici tramite il Flushing quando farla perché e come -

Flushing cleaning of the root system why do it? When? And how?

What is the Final Flush or cleaning of the root system: Application methods and timing:

When we talk about flushing we mean the moment in which the grower no longer administers nutrient solution to the plants but begins to give exclusively water with a PH of 5.5/6.5, even osmotized.

This process has the aim of producing clean and qualitatively superior fruit that does not contain excess salts which would lead to a modification of the organoleptic and taste properties of the fruit. Used in the final flowering phase of plants, they eliminate crystallizations of excess nutritional elements. It is always good practice to avoid using excessive doses of fertilizers in order to obtain a healthy life for the plant and to avoid that such problems cannot be resolved in the final phase with Flushing.

In addition to the problem of taste, it is important to carry out the Flushing procedure because before harvesting it is still possible to clean up residues of elements harmful to health, this procedure is always recommended and to a greater extent when organic or biological fertilizers are not used.

What to do in case of excess fertilization?

In the event that an overdose of fertilizers is found, it is essential to clean the substrate in the most effective way to allow the plant to recover before the crop is lost.

The best way to wash the growing substrate is abundant watering with water with a PH of 5.5/6.5, even better if osmotized to double the volume of the pot. However, it is recommended not to exaggerate with this type of technique because the risk is that of radical asphyxiation, therefore causing damage of the same level.

There are products that help this process by improving it and making it safer such as Canna Flush.

Flush rod
