Gronn Smoke Smasher 100ml


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Gronn Smoke Smasher odor remover

Smoke Smasher is an innovative odor eater produced by Gronn.

It reduces odors of organic origin and caused by combustion by up to 80% thanks to the combination of a new molecule extracted from soy and a mixture of natural terpenes already present in the most important odor neutralizers on the market.
Unique in its field, it is dedicated directly to the smoker, it INSTANTLY eliminates combustion and smoke odors from clothes, curtains, sofas, car interiors and environments!

Tips for use:

Spray the product as desired directly on fabrics and porous surfaces that usually capture particles of smoke, tar and bad odors such as: curtains, sofas, clothes, raw wood and more. For a perfect result it is advisable to also spray the corners of the room you want to treat. Excellent in the car with a few uses you can eliminate the smell from the entire car.

Tests Conducted:

-30 mL of cigarette smoke was injected into six polyethylene bags containing individual cotton fabrics and sealed for 24 hours

-After 24 hours, the fabrics were treated with varying amounts of the new molecule present in Smoke Smasher, evenly spraying the cloths with the appropriate amount.

-A cloth isolated from any odor source was left untreated.

10 participants were asked to smell the cloths and rate the degree of odor on a scale of 0 to 10.

In each case, the panelists were first asked to smell the fabric that had not been treated with the deodorant spray and rate it as a 10 on the odor scale for a strong odor.

Then they were asked to smell the treated clothes and evaluate them using the odor scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is no odor, and 10 a very strong odor. (see results image).

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