Carenza ed eccesso di Magnesio (Mg), come identificarli sintomi e metodi di intervento -

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency and excess, how to identify symptoms and intervention methods

Deficiency and excess magnesium, how to notice it, remedy and cure.
Tutte le carenze e gli eccessi. Come individuarli, rimedi e cure per le tue piante. -

All the shortcomings and excesses. How to identify them, remedies and treatments for your plants.

When we talk about nutritional deficiency we are referring to the lack or defect of one of the elements of plant nutrition.
Carenza di Anidride Carbonica Co2 come accorgersene, sintomi e come intervenire. -

Carbon Dioxide Co2 Deficiency: how to notice it, symptoms and how to intervene.

anidride carbonica
Deficiencies and excesses of carbon dioxide, symptoms and treatment.
Carenza ed eccesso di Azoto (N), come identificarli sintomi e metodi di intervento. -

Nitrogen (N) deficiency and excess, how to identify symptoms and intervention methods.

Nitrogen deficiencies and excesses, symptoms and remedies. Plant care.
Carenza ed eccesso di Fosforo (P), come identificarli sintomi e metodi di intervento -

Phosphorus (P) deficiency and excess, how to identify symptoms and intervention methods

Deficiency or excess of phosphorus, how to understand it, interventions and remedies
Carenza ed eccesso di Potassio (K), come identificarli sintomi e metodi di intervento -

Potassium (K) deficiency and excess, how to identify symptoms and intervention methods

Potassium deficiency and excess, remedy and cure, how to identify them.