Come Implementare il raccolto con CO2, quali metodi utilizzare e perché? -

How to implement CO2 harvesting, which methods to use and why?

anidride carbonica
Implement CO2 production. Carbon dioxide administration, how and why to use it.
Come Implementare il raccolto con CO2, quali metodi utilizzare e perché? -

How to implement CO2 harvesting, which methods to use and why?

anidride carbonica
Implement CO2 production. Carbon dioxide administration, how and why to use it.
Coltivazione Indoor, consigli per la fioritura. -

Indoor cultivation, tips for flowering.


Indoor cultivation, tips for flowering. Light, smells, temperature, humidity.

Cura delle Piante: raccogliere, trimmare ed essiccazione finale. -

Plant care: harvesting, trimming and final drying.

The harvest, the trimming (cleaning of the plants) and finally the tanning. These last 3 phases are just as important as the entire part dedicated up to now to the growth and development of our plants. Poorly managing these processes leads to a poor result. By following our advice you will get a perfect product.
Quando Annaffiare e quanto, consigli pratici di coltvazione. -

When to water and how much, practical cultivation advice.

When to water plants, practical indoor and outdoor cultivation tips.
Booster di fioritura, quando utilizzarli quali scegliere e perché -

Flowering boosters, when to use them, which ones to choose and why


Flowering Booster, basic knowledge of use and choice, obtainable results.

8 Strumenti utilissimi per ogni camera di coltivazione indoor -

8 Very useful tools for every indoor grow room

The tools not to forget for a perfect indoor cultivation growbox
Cos'è la pulizia delle radici tramite il Flushing quando farla perché e come -

What is root cleaning through Flushing, when to do it, why and how

How to clean the roots, the importance of flushing, why to do it and when.
Il Ph della soluzione nutritiva, in terra ed idroponica. Perché tenerlo sotto controllo e come fare. -

The Ph of the nutrient solution, in soil and hydroponics. Why keep it under control and how to do it.

The pH of the nutrient solution, this is how it changes and what the parameters are. Why keep it under control
Scelta del fertilizzante perché Minerale o Biologico, Solido o Liquido? -

Choice of fertilizer: Mineral or Organic, Solid or Liquid?

Guide to choosing fertilizers, organic or mineral, solid or liquid, what are the differences and how to use them.
Autocoltivazione i 6 passi cosa perché e come. Breve compendio -

Self-cultivation the 6 steps what why and how. Brief summary

A brief compendium on self-cultivation to have all the information necessary to decide what to use and why in just a few minutes.
Il Sesso della Cannabis, come distinguerla, caratterisitche, Femmina Maschio Ermafrodita. -

The Sex of Cannabis, how to distinguish it, characteristics, Female Male Hermaphrodite.

Male female or Hermaphrodite? How to find out the sex of plants.